Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Sanctified Shacking

During a conversation with a Christian sister earlier this week, I was asked my opinion about two Christians who are dating and NOT married living together. I responded  by saying the model prayer suggest that we pray that we are not led to temptation. Our flesh is very seductive. It desires pleasure that 99% of the time displeases God. It causes us to take ourselves into temptation. I believe that this type of living arrangement is too much temptation, even for the super Holy Roller. To put it real. Shacking will usually transgress sanctity and end up being 

Do you agree or disagre?. Please elaborate.


  1. I agree one-hundred percent with your comments Dr Osgood. The bible also say's to Be ye Holy for I (God) is Holy. The wife is suppose to sanctify her husband how can she if she isn't line up with the word of God? God does not Bless Over Mess shacking up was wrong back then and it's still wrong. Have you all ever heard the saying (Why Buy The Cow When You Get The Milk FREE).
    Eleanor McDonald
    W.O.W. Ministries
    Women Overcoming Weakness

  2. You hit a nerve now. Of course I agree because I was that sister with all types of excuses. Well we don't close the door, we don't shower together, and he knows how my desire is to please God. Until one day this wise Mother of the church told me "I don't care how you try to clean it up...it is not right". She said marry him or send him home. We got married. It is so hard to lay next to a man you care for and continue to be abstinent. Even if you are successful you are, "Modeling the Message" that it is alright to live with a man that is not your husband which is contrary to God's Word. God Bless my sister!

  3. I certainly agree. In our heart & mind we can sometimes believe we can overcome fleshly temptations, in our own ability. Truth is, if we are up close to our desires, eventually we will be overtaken. That's how the flesh works, we must keep it real. I love Paul's teaching on the discipline of the body, constantly bringing it under subjection. My physical body has no desire to please God. The question is: how do I discipline me? Why is it so difficult? Whether I like or not God asks me to control my desires. So I check me daily by yielding to the Word of God for relationship instruction. This will change the outcome of every choice...

  4. Saints should not be shacking for convenience, econmics or any other reason. There is just too much temptation having that person in the other room or same room. The bible is clear it's better to marry than burn or flee fornication. Just one single woman's opinion.

  5. I definitely agree with you Dr. O that it is not a good idea. My daughter is currently living in such an arrangement and I highly disapprove of it. She has her own mind, however, and doesn't care what I think. I continue to pray that she will realize the error of her ways. She has two daughters that she is setting the wrong example for. It is questionable to me how much one is really a Christian when they can live in such an arrangement and act like it doesn't even bother them.

  6. I don't see nothing wrong with a little bump & grind.........

  7. I'm grateful for how NMOBC deals with this issue by setting clear rules for it's special rental properties. I learned via my brother's situation. MODCO stood it's ground and he was forced to confront his disobedient behavior. That was the route of his problems.......it was economical.....it was spiritual.

  8. How should I deal with my children on this issue? Their decisions really trouble me. :(

  9. I agree Dr. Osgood shacking like kissing sometimes leads to other things. No one can stop grown-ups for doing what they do. The average person knows that neither God nor Jesus would condone two couples living together whether they are intimate or not.

  10. 1 John 1:5-7 says this is the message we have heard from him and declare to you: God is light, in him there is no darkness at all. If we claim to have fellowship with him yet walk in the darkness we lie and do not live by the truth but if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another. 1 John 2:15-16 says do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him, for everything in the world-- the cravings of sinful man, the lust of his eyes and the boasting of what he has and does-- comes not from the Father but from the world. Shacking is of the world, try it out without commitment God's way and it's called marriage. Marriage is a covenant between God, man and woman. Shacking is satan's way of deception and sad to say it's in the body of Christ. We have to walk in the light and walk in "Truth" which is the word of God. If Jesus told the woman who was caught in the act of adultery to go and sin no more, where does shacking belong. It doesn't, it's our flesh wanting to sin. Holiness is right, you can't see and will not see the Lord without it. God is not going to pamper us in our sins. A little bump and grind is wrong, that's a worldly song and the phrase is satanic and I'm not taking it back. It's time for the body of Christ to put on the whole armour of God, fight the good fight of faith and live "HOLY" for without it no one will see the Lord.

    Lamb Watchers Ministry Church
    Houston, Texas

  11. There's a lot wrong "with a little bump & grind" unless you are married!!! And I don't mean the counterfeit version that we are seeing paraded in our face today.

  12. I agree Dr. Osgood you should never live with someone until you are married. I lived with my exhusband for 2 week before we married. It was very hard on our relationship. We were trying to live holly but it didn't work.

  13. Though you hear the word you don't really know a person until you live with them. I don't believe God wanted us to shack up to much temptation with out a way to escape..If you find out it's not going to work out. Then God has to remove the soul tie from that person. It says if you can't contain yoursself it is better to marry than to burn with sexual desire.

  14. I agree wth Dr. Osgood. A Christian dating couple attempting to maintain sexual purity while living together will fail miserably. They may last for a while, but I believe it is only a matter of time before they give in to temptation. Let's be honest, kissing & hugging can seem harmless but it feels good & you will want more. While their resolve to maintain sexual purity may be strong in the beginning, it won't stay strong after the "wanting more" sets in.
    I also believe that Christian couples should avoid even a hint of anything inappropriate, what about shacking up does that?

  15. There is no way that 2 christians can live togather and remain abstinette its just too hard. And some things we just refrain from getting our selves involved in. The temptation to have intimate relations is too great.

  16. So are we saying that two Christians who are unmarried and dating should not kiss.
